You want more out of life.

And I can help.

Here’s what happens when we work together:

We figure out what is holding you back from the result you want

I’ll give you the tools needed to create the change you need in your life

We will create strategies & a weekly action plan to unlock your potential

We’ll develop a clear success path that aligns with your purpose & best self

And we will celebrate every win along the way!

The work you do in our sessions will completely change your life.


Working with me as your life coach that will get you from where you are right now to where you want to be. This happens through thought work like unlocking limiting beliefs, ditching self-sabotage cycles & developing an ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE mindset.

I will guide you. I will push you. I will hold you accountable.

And I will celebrate with you like crazy as you become the absolute next best version of you!

You can build the business & life you want. Everything is in you to do this already! I’ll show you how to get there 💗


1 month, 3 month or 6 month coaching container options

Coaching packages start at $1000

Payment plans available

Not sure which coaching package is best for you? Book a consult & we’ll figure it out :)


I’m so excited to offer this new option to my clients! There are times when you might not need long term coaching, but some clarity on a certain issue or topic could be really beneficial. That’s why I created this new 90 minute private coaching intensive!

Here’s what it looks like:

TWO 45 minute coaching calls with Jena

Our first call will be figuring out where you are stuck & an action plan.

Then we will have a follow up call to keep you moving in the direction of your goals!

This private coaching option is $250.


6 months from now, you're in charge of your life and creating your results every day.

6 months from now, you're living your dream day. You wake up with purpose, and every part of your day aligns with your values and passions.

6 months from now, you're showing up as your best self in every situation. Your positive energy is contagious, and everyone around you notices the difference. You're living as your most authentic and confident self.

6 months from now, you're seeing your dream life & business become a reality.

YOU made this happen.

YOU chose to go ALL IN, do the work, & now it's paying off in every part of your life.

Let's make this your reality together.



Schedule a consult with me to experience private coaching & make sure we are a good fit.


When you’re ready to begin, you’ll reserve your 1, 3 or 6 month coaching package.


Once your spot is reserved, you’ll receive an email with a link to schedule your calls.


Show up for our coaching calls + start building the life & business of your dreams.