First, the reband. You may have noticed that the podcast has a new name - Made For This.
That phrase is crazy important to me, so important that it is tattooed on my arm. My very first tattoo actually that I waited until I was 46 years old to get. I knew it had to be something deeply personal to me if I was ever going to get one - so I did!
Those little words got me through so much over the last few years.
From running up steep hills (literally - that I should do more of now) to learning how to be a single mom to building a house on my own to attorney’s offices & courtrooms to starting this podcast a few years ago to growing a coaching business to speaking on stage to taking care of my Dad as he battled cancer to raising 5 wild boys. And now this new pivot for my coaching business. All of it.
“I was made for this.”
That phrase has been on repeat in my head & that’s what I wanted on my arm as a constant reminder that I can do hard things. That’s why I rebranded the podcast with the same name. And why my new coaching experience, that I’ll tell you about in a bit, is named that as well.
I was made for this. And whatever you are going through, whatever you want to create - you were made for this too.
Whether that’s starting a business, getting back in shape, taking care of your family or being super mom, or maybe it’s your own career pivot too, you were made for this!
And that leads me to how this came to be & the new direction I am headed.
This has been a long time coming. I’ve been feeling this little tug on my heart for a while now. But I had to get there. I didn’t quite believe I could do it. So I’ve been working on myself, dove deep into personal development, on having a growth mindset & becoming certified as a life coach in the process.
It’s taken me 4 solid years to build the belief that anything is possible.
I’ve trained myself to fully believe that.
And with that belief, bigger ideas & a bigger vision for my life started to unfold.
I figured some things out. And I took a break to get clear on what I really wanted.
We get one life. And I don’t want to waste it. I am passionate about that. And I will show up with conviction around that message too.
My old life no longer fit this new vision in my head.
It wasn’t aligned with my values anymore.
Over the last few years I’ve gone through some massive identity shifts from photographer to coach for photographers & now to a life & business coach for women.
I’ve seen a lot of success along the way. But success is built on mistakes & what we like to call failures. I like to call it messy, courageous action.
All of that added up to a multi 6 figure photography business with very little overhead, a half million dollar coaching business & my start into real estate investing. We’ve flipped 5 houses in one year now & just put a contract on two more. And I have 3 long term rental properties creating passive income & plan to continue that as well.
I want to show women what is possible.
I went from single, living in an apartment to all of this in a matter of a few years.
Because I chose to believe 2 things - anything is possible. And I was made for this.
I want you to know that you can do anything.
That you don’t have to burn yourself out.
That you don’t have to work so hard for so little.
That you don’t always have to trade your time for dollars.
That there is a world where there is freedom to live & operate a business & generate income on your own terms.
That anything is possible for you too.
That’s what I have been creating in my absence here & I was so convicted about this, that I knew I had to make some really hard decisions - ones that would disappoint people, piss some people off, be judged, thought of as a sell out, talked about in long hateful fb threads because I’m no longer “one of them”.
These decisions haven’t come easily.
There have been nights of pacing the floor, flipping & flopping in bed, crying my eyes out.
Poor Brian having to listen to me go back & forth, dreading making this decision, until I could finally stand firmly in it.
That took a lot of work.
But that’s what it takes to become the next best version of you.
You have to give up the safety net sometimes.
Sometimes it’s a slow process. Sometimes it’s ripping the bandaid off.
You have to do what everyone else isn’t doing.
But when all of that aligns with your values, priorities & vision for your life, there is a huge amount of peace in it.
So I am shifting. I am pivoting. Because I know I can serve more women in a bigger capacity.
Behind the scenes I have been life coaching women 1:1 & helping women build their own passive income & coaching businesses in a mastermind setting.
The biggest thing I am creating though is my new Made For This Coaching Membership. I’ll drop a link in the show notes if you’d like to check it out & join me as a founding member.
This is a place where we take focused action together, where we prove to ourselves that we can do hard things, where we put an end to the self sabotage & the limiting beliefs. A place where you grow into the very best version of yourself. A place where you will be surrounded by other women supporting your vision.
If that aligns with you, go check it out.
And if it doesn’t, we can still be friends :)
I am on a mission to help women create wealth, create time freedom, make the bold moves, take courageous action, master their minds & emotions because that is what ultimately gives you a business & life you are in love with.
I have so many plans for this podcast, so many interviews lined up with amazing women entrepreneurs building incredible freedom filled businesses. I am just busting at the seams with excitement over here!
While I can’t tell you everything just yet, I do have 2 gifts for you. They are linked in the description. One is a list of the beliefs I practiced & still practice every day to get me here & keep me moving forward.
The other is my new free masterclass, Unstoppable You. It’s something you are going to want to experience for yourself. I’m teaching it live July 24th & want you to be there!