012: The Power of Belief: How Your Thoughts Are Creating Your Future

I’m gonna drop some bombs right here at the beginning here.  Brace yourself.

The life you’re living right now is a direct reflection of what you believe is possible for you. It has nothing to do with your current circumstances, your family, your education, the algorithm, the interest rates, who the current or future president is.  

It all comes down to what you believe is actually possible for you.  And for me too.  

If you don’t like your current results, it’s time to take a hard look at your beliefs.

I did that a few years ago & then again just recently.  I am constantly evaluating & expanding into the next best version of myself.  

Today, we’re diving into the truth that your beliefs are the foundation for everything you create—your business, your relationships, your success. I’m going to show you how shifting your beliefs will transform your reality.

Why What You Believe Matters

So many women (and men) feel stuck or frustrated because they’re not living the life they want. They think they need a new strategy or more resources, but what they really need is a shift in their belief system.

Here’s the good news.  Your thoughts are completely optional.  What you choose to think, feel & how you act is optional.  You have the power to change any & all of that.

A lot of our beliefs were formed as children though & they are deep in our subconscious, so they are pretty much on autopilot.  So much so that you may not even know they are there until you train yourself to become more aware of them.

Today I’m going to be talking about your conscious thoughts.  These are the ones you are choosing to believe on purpose.

Here’s what you need to know today though & why this matters so much - beliefs create results.

Your brain is always looking for evidence of what you believe. If you believe success is hard, you’ll find ways to make it hard. If you believe you’re not capable, you’ll find ways to prove that, too.

I’ll give you 2 examples of how my beliefs :

I believed that I could 100% have a 6 figure launch of my coaching program.  I believed it to my core.  I was determined.  I knew my people were out there, they were willing & capable of investing in me & that I was the perfect coach for them.  Guess what happened?  That knowing made me crazy confident.  I showed up & over delivered.  My beliefs produced a 106k launch.  

I would never have shown up & provided value like I did then if I hadn’t believed it was possible.

I’ve created the exact opposite for myself too.  I’ve had complete launch busts too.  Why?  Because I didn’t believe in myself.  I got into a scarcity mindset about spending money on ads.  I doubted my audience’s interest in what I had to offer.  Those doubts led to a lot of weak messaging, not showing up, thinking I could coast on past results.  Those sorts of thoughts led to me shying away, not staying visible, not being the leader I could be & ultimately I didn’t produce the sales numbers I said I wanted.

I’m sure you have plenty of examples of your own.  Here’s a common misconception though & it’s what I said at the beginning of the show.

We like to blame all the external things on our results, when that’s not how it works at all.  It all comes back to what we choose to believe.

Some common beliefs I hear from women entrepreneurs I work with: 

  • I’m not good enough.

  • I don’t have enough time.

  • People like me don’t make that kind of money.

These may seem like simple little sentences & ones that get thrown around all the time, but those sentences are actually beliefs & they become your reality.

Your beliefs dictate the actions you take or don’t take. And those actions will create results in your life & business. If you believe you’re not ready, you won’t take the leap. If you believe you can’t do it, you’ll self-sabotage whatever it is ahead of you.  

I want you to pause this episode (if you can) and take a few minutes right now to ask yourself: 

  • What are the thoughts you’re believing about your life and your business? 

  • Are they serving you or are they keeping you stuck?

Write them down.  We’ll come back to them in a little bit.

When you’re finished with that, come back & I want to talk to you about shifting your beliefs so that you can create new & completely different results.

The version of you that creates the life she wants believes different things than the version of you that’s struggling.

To change your life, you have to start thinking like the woman who already has what you want.

  • Do you want a business that allows you to quit your w2 job?

  • Do you want to only work 3 days a week?

  • Do you want to have an amazing relationship with your spouse?

  • Do you want to retire in 5 years?  Retire your husband next year?

The life I’m creating now is not because of the beliefs I held 5 years ago.  

  • 5 years ago I was stuck.

  • 5 years ago I thought I couldn’t make more than 100k a year.

  • 5 years ago I thought I had to work crazy hard to make money.

  • 5 years ago I was very unhappy.

That led to a business where I traded my time for dollars & a divorce that I am not proud of but I’ve forgiven myself for.  

Today I believe completely different things than I did back then.

  • Today I am living the life of my dreams.

  • Today I am married to a man who supports me & my crazy entrepreneurial mind & has my back no matter what.

  • Today I am creating generational wealth & setting up our family’s future in ways I didn’t even know was possible.

  • Today I am setting up opportunities for money to come to us without having to trade time for it.

I believe things today that I never would have believed back then.  I wake up differently.  I talk to myself differently.  I set different boundaries.  I believe things that the woman I want to be believes.  And because of that, I’m creating a different life for myself.

So how can you do this in your own life?  What does it take?

Here’s an easy process for shifting your beliefs:

1: Become more aware of what you believe - Start noticing the thoughts you’re believing that aren’t serving you.

2: Question the belief - Ask yourself: Is this really true? Is there evidence that the opposite is true?  Challenge that thought & see if you can prove that it’s not actually true.

3: Now you get to decide whether you want to keep believing it or not - It’s your choice.  If you want to choose a new thought then what could you believe instead? What belief would serve you better?


Instead of ‘I’m not ready,’ try ‘I am capable, and I’ll figure it out as I go.’ 

Marie Forleo has a famous quote that goes “everything is figure-out-able”.  I just love that.

Instead of ‘It’s too hard,’ try ‘This is an opportunity to grow & I’m here for it.

The really cool thing about shifting your beliefs is the ripple effect it causes in what you experience on a day to day basis.

When you start believing new things, you’ll take different actions. And different actions create different results. It’s inevitable.

So simple, but not so easy.

I want you to imagine your future self, the version of you who has already created the life she wants. What does she believe about herself? What thoughts is she thinking? Start believing those things now, even if you have to baby step your way into them.

In business, this is everything. When you believe you’re capable of building a 6+ figure business or a million dollar business, you’ll take the actions required to get there. When you believe you can’t or that it’s not possible for someone like you, you won’t even start.

You’ve heard me say it before & this won’t be the last time I say it either . . .

We get one life.  Are you creating the ONE that you want?

This life you create is based on what you believe, and you have the power to change it all. When you shift what you believe, everything changes - your emotions, your actions, your results, your income, your entire life.

If this episode resonated with you and you’re ready to dive deeper into shifting your beliefs and creating the life you want, I’d love to help you.

I work with women every week on this very thing - women moving into being an empty nester, women creating their second careers, women going through major health & relationship changes, women stepping into the spotlight & creating brand new beautiful versions of themselves.  

I’d love to work with you, either through 1:1 private coaching or in my group coaching container, Made For This.  

If you’re unsure which one would be best for you, book a consult & we’ll talk it through.  The links for everything you need is in the podcast description, in the show notes on the blog or you can always reach out to me on instagram.  

We will do this belief work together (even that list you wrote down earlier if you want) & get you the results you are after. 

You are ready.  If you think you aren’t, check that belief too 😉

Love ya! Have a great week!



011: Building A Business Around A Life She Loves Through Luxury Real Estate