014: How to Shift Your Money Ceiling & Achieve Your Next Income Milestone

Ever feel like no matter what you do, you keep hitting the same income level? Like there's an invisible ceiling that keeps holding you back?

A lot of entrepreneurs get stuck at a certain income level.  Whether that’s 5k, 10k, 20k or 50k months, it happens to every business owner at some point.  No matter how hard you hustle, you just can’t seem to break through.

So what is this imaginary money ceiling anyway?

This is a subconscious limit that you’ve given yourself based on how much money you believe you can make.

It’s not like you said out loud “I believe I can only make $10k a month”.  This is happening mostly on a subconscious level.  You don’t really know you’ve done it, but it’s there.

Here’s the deal & the cold hard truth - You create our own reality with your thoughts & with what you believe about yourself. 

The current reality you are living in right now in this very moment, you created. 

And the same goes for me.

So this isn’t about working harder to get paid.  Breaking that income ceiling is about choosing to believe something different than you are currently believing.

Your next income goal requires a belief shift, not more grind.  I’m not saying there won’t be work involved.  We can’t sit around & willy nilly manifest things by thinking positive thoughts all day.  

But if you don’t believe that next level for you is possible, you’ll never see it hit your bank account.

If you’ve consistently earned $5K a month, that becomes your mental baseline.

If your sales are consistently $2k, then that’s your limit & all you will make.

If the idea of $20K months feels “too much”, that’s a ceiling.

And here’s what is happening.  We tend to put these financial limits on ourselves based on what we’ve achieved before, what we’ve seen others around us achieve or what we believe is possible for someone like us.

All of that is based on the past though.  The future is wide open.  You can create anything you want to create!

Here’s how this is probably showing up in your business. 

See if any of these sound familiar to you . . . 

  • Self sabotage

  • Underpricing

  • Not promoting yourself boldly

  • Doubting that clients will pay what you want

  • Discounting before you ever sell

Let’s identify your current money ceiling . . .

I’m going to teach you how to spot it.

What number do you consistently hit each month?

What’s the income number that you would like, but when you think about it, feels just a little “unrealistic” or “too much” for you right now?

Keep thinking about that number, even if it’s uncomfortable.

I know it feels foreign & out of reach.  It’s going to as you aim for a higher number.  That’s because your brain is throwing up all kinds of resistance right now.

It’s waiving red flights.  Caution lights are flashing.  Yield signs are neon yellow & larger than life when you think about this number that you want.

Here’s what it’s probably telling you right now:

  • You’re not ready yet.

  • No one will pay that much for what I offer.

  • Making more money means working harder.

  • More money, more problems.

  • I’m not a ‘money’ person.

  • If I make that much for what I do, people will judge me.

  • I need to have everything perfect before I can earn that much.

  • I can’t charge premium prices in this industry.

  • If I charge more, I’ll lose clients.

  • I have to give up my personal life to hit that next milestone.

  • I need to wait for the right time to level up.

  • Money is stressful and hard to manage.

I’ve thought every one of those.  And one or two will still sneak in on me every now & then.  

And let me tell you, that’s just the ceiling talking.  You have to break it.

The only way to raise your money ceiling is to shift your belief about what’s possible for you.

Follow this process to create new beliefs around money & success:

Step 1: Decide on your new income goal.  Choose a number that feels like a stretch but exciting at the same time.  This is what I did for my 100k launch.  I had only had a 60k launch at that point, so this was me really stretching.

Step 2: Start creating evidence that it's possible.  Look at others doing it. Get around people who believe in bigger numbers.  Remember that time that your mom told you that you were going to turn out to be like the people you hung around in school?  She may not have understood exactly what she was saying, but those were some wise words.

Step 3: Catch the thoughts that sabotage you.  Every time your brain offers you a reason why it’s not possible, you have to stop it.  Write it down and flip it over. 

Step 4: Shift your identity.  Begin acting like the version of you who already makes $20K, $50K, or whatever your next goal is.

The money follows the belief shift.  You cannot take the actions required to create the income you want without the belief that allows you to do that.  

Most people stop at becoming aware of the beliefs holding them back, but never do the rest of the work required to break this ceiling.  

Is that you?  Why are you making the money you are making right now?  Why haven’t you gotten any further?  Maybe you don’t want to & that’s ok, but my gut tells me you want the best life you can possibly have - for you, for your family, for others.

Maybe there’s a fear of raising your prices.

Maybe the fear is stepping into a bigger, bolder version of yourself in your business.

Maybe you’re holding tight to the hustle mentality and overworking yourself instead of allowing money to flow with ease.

What thoughts are keeping you from moving past your current level?

Can you sit with that?  It’s a game changer when you can do that.

And let me reassure you . . . You don’t need to know the “how” right now. That’s not important, even though your brain will try very hard to convince you that it is.  What is actually important is focusing on the belief that what you want is possible.

That is how you build the mindset of a millionaire.

And it looks like this:

  • Money is easy to make.

  • Failure is simply feedback, not a reason to stop.

  • Big decisions are made confidently because more money can always be created.

  • Investing in things like systems, coaching & real estate that stretch them becomes the norm because it aligns with their long-term vision.

Can you be open minded enough & receptive to those ideas?

Can you be open to the possibility of that number you said you wanted?

What would that version of you believe & do differently tomorrow?

The life and business you create is directly tied to the beliefs you hold about what’s possible & the actions you take that align with those beliefs. When you believe you can make more, you do.

If you’re ready to stop letting your money ceiling control your life and finally hit your next income milestone, I invite you to join me inside the Made For This Community, where we dive deep into this work. 

Some of our next few calls are all on the topic of money & are sure to change the way you think about money.

You join Made For This at the introductory price right now.  That will be going up in the future so if you’ve been considering it, now would be a good time to join us.

I’m going to be doing BTS tours of Made For This soon.  Be sure you are following me on Instagram & hop on my email list for updates on when those will happen.  You can easily do that by downloading the Made For This Beliefs.  That will automatically add you to the email list.

My hope is that after listen to this episode, you know it’s time to stop settling & start believing bigger.

You were made for this! ❤️



015: From Scarcity To An Abundant Mindset


013: Closing More High Ticket Clients