013: Closing More High Ticket Clients
One of the struggles my clients have is closing a high ticket client on a consult or discovery call, whatever you call it in your industry.
This comes up for lots of different reasons, but today I’m going to share the one belief shift that can change everything when it comes to closing high-ticket clients.
By the end of this episode, you’ll walk away with a powerful mindset shift that will help you show up confidently and convert more consults into paying clients.
I used to get all in my head about not closing a lead & I would take it personally, which would make me question everything about my business model & my worth. I’ve come a long way since then, but I see my old self in so many entrepreneurs I talk to today, so I wanted to bring light to this topic.
So I want you to think about the last call that you were on where you thought it went pretty well, but you walked away without a new client.
Maybe you over explained or over-justified the value of your service.
Maybe you were feeling nervous or crazy desperate to make the sale.
Maybe you questioned your pricing at the moment, thinking you couldn’t or shouldn’t be charging these premium prices.
Maybe you were just full of uncertainty about what to say when it comes to discussing your offer.
Here’s how I know those things have come up for you. They have for me too. Learning the mechanics & flow of a sales call is one thing, but managing your mind & emotions through one is a completely different story!
I see this all the time with my clients who know they provide immense value, but their mindset is sabotaging their ability to close the deal.
The secret to closing more clients isn’t about your strategy, it’s about your belief.
You need to shift from ‘I hope they’ll want to work with me’ to ‘I know they need what I offer, and I’m the best person to help them.’"
And to me it’s more than knowing. It’s a feeling of conviction. With my coaching, I am highly convicted about helping women become wealthy by stepping into who they are meant to be & helping you see that anything is possible.
Here’s why this “knowing” belief shift is essential:
It will move you from a place of needing this client to a place of offering value to this client.
Clients will pick up on your energy. They can sense whether you are coming from a place of confidence or from desperation.
It will allow you to focus on serving them rather than worrying about making the sale. Essentially, you will be more focused on how to help your client instead of how to help your own ego & your bank account.
When I was finally able to wrap my head around this, everything changed. Instead of focusing on what they thought about me, I focused on how I could serve this person right in front of me. That’s when I started consistently signing high-ticket clients.
You picking up what I’m putting down? It’s not about you. It’s about the person in front of you.
Now that you understand what you need to do, let’s talk about how to actually start implementing this shift until it’s just natural for you.
It will take more work at first because you will have to intentionally think this through & get into this space before you meet with a new lead.
I still do this today. It just doesn’t take as long. I can give myself a quick reminder & then it’s go time! Showing up powerfully to serve can be automatic in time. It will just become who you are.
How To Shift Your Mindset To Close More High Ticket Clients
1. Reframe your mindset before the call
Before every consult or discovery call, remind yourself: ‘I’m here to offer value and to serve. If they’re a good fit, great! If not, I’m still providing value & they will leave this call better than they came.
2. Trust in your offer
Believe in the service you provide. If you are a coach, believe in the transformation you provide. When you’re confident in the results your clients get, that energy will come through on the call.
3. Focus on them, not you
Your role on the call is to listen, identify their problem and what they ultimately want, and show them how you’re the best person to help them.
4. Detach from the outcome
Whether they say yes or no doesn’t define your worth or the value of your offer. Where I see my clients get into trouble is when they give a client’s no a meaning that was never there.
Stay focused on serving and trust that the right clients will come.
In case you need some clarity . . .
Attachment is needing the client. That mindset is full of lack & scarcity.
Detachment is wanting the client, but being ok if they aren’t a good fit because you know the right ones will come along. That is an abundant mindset.
Common Consult Mindset Blocks and How to Overcome Them To Book More Clients
Here’s some common blocks that come up & ones I want you to start looking out for:
The fear of rejection - what if they say no?
Imposter syndrome - doubting yourself & disregarding all the good results you’ve gotten for your clients in the past
Lack of confidence in your offer - not believing it’s valuable enough for what you are charging
Thinking that you’re being too salesy
Believing there aren’t enough clients to go around
The need to please everyone & not niching down
Perfectionism - that you have to say the right things at just the right times to close a client
Being uncomfortable talking about money objections
Not believing people can afford your prices
Overcomplicating your offer
Overthinking things when you’re on a call
If any of these sound familiar to you, and you see yourself getting stuck in these places again & again, I’d love to work with you. This is what I do as a life and business coach. I will help you master this belief & so many more so that you can take your business to the next level.
We can work together either through 1:1 private coaching or in my group coaching container, Made For This.
If you’re unsure which one would be best for you, book a consult & we’ll talk it through.
This one belief shift that we talked about today though will help you close more clients and it’s simple: trust in your value and show up to serve.
When you do that, you’ll start seeing a difference in how your consults flow and the number of clients who say yes.
Love ya! Have a great week!